Monday, September 24, 2007

All eyes on me will be met

As promised. Hopefully this should result in a real post.

Normally I dream roughly twice a year (a dream I know I had when I woke up). I've had three nights of dreaming in the past week. The first one was either one really really fucked up dream or 3-4 seperate slightly fucked up dreams. Dunno what this means really. Oh well.

Recently being single hasn't entirely been exactly what I expected of it. Pretty much as soon as I split with Meg, I've been seeing alot of this Mel chick. Really don't know what to do there, it feels like we're almost dating as much as I've tried to keep it at a slow pace. I think it's too soon for me to jump into a relationship again. I'm not entirely sure on whats changed in the past year to 15 months. But suddenly girls have actually liked me. I mean, watching superbad last night sadly reminded me a little of highschool. I could totally empathise with the kid with the high voice... So why all of a sudden does it feel like I have a selection when it comes to girls?

Prior to dating Meg I had opportunities with 3 other girls in the span of about two months. I don't think any of them were really for me anyways. But now what does it matter? Because in reality I'm not going to meet the person I'm going to marry anytime soon. So why even date? Should I just through my morality (yes I have some beleive it or not) to the wind and just pick up randoms whenever I can? (Sean isn't allowed to answer)

I still reckon I'd be like the high voiced kid though if I ever went home with a random (or even semi-random)... I'd wuss out like a sissy. So maybe that does narrow my options down.

I also have way too much going on at uni atm really to be blogging atm let alone trying to worry about my love(or sex as applicable) life.


Shazzie said...

Firstly, I think I need to explain something to you and anyone else whom reads this...


This is evident in many cases. Take SuperBad for example, my favourite character was Evan (the kid with the high voice). He was adorable, sincere and cute. These are endearing qualities that most females look for in a man. But the best example of this, that comes to my mind, is from the informative and educational movie, commonly known as AMERICAN PIE 2!

Jim: Nadia, please don't take this the wrong way but, you're everything I use to want and as much as I may really regret what I'm about to do there's somebody else I want to be with.

Nadia: You want the band geek?

Jim: Nadia, I am a band geek I just never joined the band.

Nadia: You go get your geek. Some day I will find mine.

Sherman: Life's a bitch isn't it? That's alright you don't have to say anything I'm use to girls ignoring me or making fun of me. Come on Sherman, be the Shermanator.

Nadia: (laughing) Like the movie, how clever

Sherman: I get it ok. Maybe I am a geek, whatever.

Nadia: Yes, yes you are!

Sherman: Alright! I am the Shermanator, A sophisticated sex robot sent back through time to change the future for one lucky lady.

Nadia: I am lucky lady?

Sherman: That's right Nadia. You've been targeted for Shermanation. Come with me if you want to live.

Nadia: Oooo oh no, help Ohh... Fuck me geek!

Sherman: Affirmative!

You see, even the complete hotties love geeks. And not that I'm necessarily calling you a geek Steve, I am saying that you have many endearing qualities that many females find appearing. So why would you find it so unusual that women are showing interest in you. You are a great guy! :)

As for the Mel thing, we have spoken privately about this and you know how I feel about the situation! It's your decision and yours alone. Although I agree with you, Sean isn't to comment on moral responsibilities :P hehehe And having morals is not being “sissy” it’s being considerate and sensible, which you clearly are. :D

Sean said...

Hey, you both cram it up your arse.

I have some morals, some...

Steve, there might be a "selection" of girls, but none of them are the sort youd want to settle down with, from what ive seen and heard about.

But thats up to you.

I Think, to an extent, its because you meet these people at the pub, when youre smashed, or half smashed, or just having a ball not smashed, and its prolly hard for these girls to distinguish, you being smashed from you being confident.

They always say chicks dig confidence, do they not? (chicks...?)

Shaz, the quotes from american pie better be copied, if theyre off the top of your head you deserve to be shot.

I read something either in a mag or on the net about why chicks should get with geeks, was entertaining to say the least.

And shaz, not all women like the geeks, youre just a softy and a suck :P

Why dont you fill us in on steves many endearing qualities?

Women run from me, what does that mean? :P

Jason said...

I both agree and disagree with Shaz; woman do tend to love geeks to an extent, but that doesn't actually imply attraction or anything that's particularly helpful for a guy.

To take the Superbad example of Evan, pretty much every girl in the theatre had the same sort of "awww, that's so sweet/poor guy" style reaction to the scene where he goes off by himself to get drunk so that he won't be taking advantage. I'd be willing to bet a relatively small percentage of girls in the theatre would say that particular character is attractive to them or someone they would consider dating though.