Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Someday I'll be Saturday night

Well the sorting out the PhD thing just got made a whole lot harder. I went in to uni yesterday to talk to the person I'd probably have as a supervisor to see if he'd take me on and to pretty much get started straight away. Unfortunately he seems to be M.I.A. until november. Don't really know what to do now. Really don't know where to start now. Also I might be slightly adicted to buying textbooks from teh interwebs. Just bought two more for a combined cost of US$31.

Things with Amanda have been a bit strange, seems I'm being the clingy one. Her only prior relationship was a 3 year long distance one where we all know my experience has been much shorter and more clingy ones so it's been a bit of an adjustment for the both us.

How sick is everybody? I wan't to organise a mass drunkening on saturday if possible. Anybody in?

Saturday, August 23, 2008

Makin' freinds with shadows on my wall.

Well I'm finally getting over the plague. One of the worst things about being sick is that you have too much time to sit around and think. Thinking too much is a little too demotivational for my liking. Having some doubts as to what I'm doing with myself, if I'm looking at this PhD thing to avoid the real world for a bit longer or if it's really what I want to do. If it's really what I want to do will I be able to handle it?

As of this morning I've decided to pick myself up, you know one of those goals and ambitions deals. So here are some goals and such in no order:

  • Start my PhD or a a career.
  • Get a basketball team organised for next season.
  • Learn guitar better.
  • Start some other non-academic regular activity.
  • Organise getting out of home.
  • More to come...

With the exception of getting out of home, the above are all short term goals. Basketball obviously has it's own deadline for next season which is a little over a month I think. As for the other's I'd like to get them (the goals with a definitive completion) together by say 18/10/08 as a somewhat arbitrary but sufficient deadline.

For basketball I need to round up people, I'll ask one last time here for expression of interest in playing bball. So far I could go either mixed or mens as I don't have enough interest in either case for a full team. Also the team would be about as crap as me so no need to feel too crap too play.

Also I attempted cooking a curry from scratch last night, and I'm still alive. It made me decide we should have a curry night for those that way inclined.

Sunday, August 17, 2008


I'm sick. I think it's a fairly average case of the flu. Mostly cold/flu symptoms with a slight fever. Was quite funny on saturday when I thought it was a hangover for most of the day then realised it was getting worse so I took my temperature.

Maybe I was stooged by cheap books, because none have shown up yet and one was due last wed and another on friday. Gonna give them til later in the week before I start abusing people.

The other day I had been pretty set on what I wanted to look at for my PhD though this demotivational sickness has made me have second thoughts. It could be a little too difficult and too "physics" for me. Quantum Yang-Mills theory.

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

All eyes on me will be met

Well I guess it's gone around the traps by now, but for those who haven't found out; I've decided to give things a go with Amanda. So I now have a girlfreind. Feels kinda strange to say. Wish me luck.

In other news 6am is too early... and holy crap random link. That is footage from melbourne uni.

Yes, as I was saying its too freaking early to be awake. Gotta go take my 8am tutorial, and then I'm taking a lab til 5 then hopefully free pizza follows. Going to be at uni for 12 hours today.

Monday, August 11, 2008


Ok so today's life decision poll is:
What the fuck should I do with myself?

The more Ben thinks about what he wants to do after this year is up, the more I want to do something epic. Any suggestions?

I still want my PhD though.

Friday, August 8, 2008


The angle question seems to be solved. Well done to both Rick and Ben.

The square root of 2 thing, is actually quite easy for anybody interested, you begin by saying let root(2)= m/n where m,n are integers, n non-zero. Without loss of generality you can assume they have no common divisors because you could just divide them out and then start from there. You then find that 2 is a common divisor, thus there is a contradiction so the inition assumption that such an m and n exist is false. It's quite neat.

Have a good solid think at the other one. Its really quite amazing that it is possible I reckon.

Saturday, August 2, 2008

And now for something completely different

If anybody is interested in cheap books, check out this site. It's fairly good from what I can tell and somebody at uni has ordered stuff from it already and says its good. Found a book for $9 plus $9 postage which retails for just over $100 here. Basically I'm ordering 3 books which combined would retail here for $400+ for $85 including postage from 3 seperate countries. Huzzah for international editions.


Good old Sunday at uni... Left the assignments I gotta mark in my office so I'm going in with Ben (as he has to do open day stuff) to spend the day in a (probably empty) maths building.

In retrospect; $1 vodka hour was probably not the greatest idea ever.

It's about time I posed some problems for the bored/keen to puzzle over.

#1. Using only a compass and a straight edge, how would you exactly (without fussing over the definition of exact) half an angle?

#2. Prove that the square root of 2 cannot be expressed as a rational number (fraction).

#3. Provide a one-to-one corrospondance (bijection) between every point in a unit line (end points excluded) and every point in a unit square (edges excluded). That is; for each number between 0 and 1, assign a point in a sqaure of side length 1. For Ben and Rick, provide a bijective map from (0,1) to (0,1)x(0,1).

Now for something to argue about...

Smokes and booze should be made illeagal, or at least regulated better. Perhaps raise the legal drinking/smoking age, even only allow alcohol to be served with meals. Remove spirits completely.

So many people would think that I'd be the last person to support this, in reality I beleive it would be a good idea to try to sober up society.