Monday, October 29, 2007

If you could only see how blue her eyes can be...

It's another one of those nights... Got another major assessment due tomorrow morning.. worth an equavalent mark to that giant essay i had.. this one in the form of a take home exam. Like always I've put it off for ages. Now I have til 11am to hand it in. However it's a little less than complete. Fortunately for me, the other two people in the class are having similar difficulties.

Here is the fruit of my last (and prefferably only) 21 hour stint.

My Essay

Not very understandable... But you get the general idea. Also I have yet to read over it myself.. and it's well since submitted. It's likely ridden with typo's, poor grammar, bad spelling and maybe total nonsensical sentances.

For those who may not be aware, (I'm sure most people who actually still read this would know) I have a girlfreind. Mel and I have been officially dating for 2 weeks. Though unofficially for a little longer. It's going really well. Sorry if i've been a bit of a hermit recently. It's not entirely her fault. As alot of uni shit has piled up lately too. I will try to bring her out with folks sometime soon if anything is being done anytime soon.

As for now, back to maths.

Sunday, October 21, 2007

Captains Log 21/10/07

Starbucks 9 approaching.
Ocean madness setting in. I cannae reach the control panel.

2 stminades, 3 red bulls, 4 meals and 5 litres of ribena.

The world was our burrito.

I've been sitting here typing and mathematicizing for 15 hours with the exception of seans and mels visits. My 15-25 page honours essay that I've had since july to do is due tomorrow. Potato croquets are good.


Saturday, October 13, 2007

Played it til my fingers bled

The deadline for my essay is approaching fast. I have one week to hand it in.. and Until thursday to do my oral which has to go for half an hour on the topic. Im boned.

In other news I have my guitar now.. And I also have slightly hardened, bruised and split fingertips. Ideally I should have an overworked brain instead but playing the guitar (trying to play the guitar) is fun. (sorry got distracted so no real post today)

Those were the best days of my life...

Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Standing in the spotlight

I bought myself a grey guitar
I'm never gonna be lonely

As the included lyrics from Mr. Jones suggest, I bought myself a grey guitar. Should arrive sometime next week. The sooner the better. I've decided I'm learning to play guitar. I dug out the old one which seems somewhat smallish and is missing a string and the remaining strings and crud and tuned it as best I could figure out how to, as as best as I could do for a 5 stringed guitar.

And so far I've kinda got the hang of californication, blister in the sun and the intro to hey delilah... Can't find many songs that I dont need all the strings for

Didn't go to uni today... I've been pretty fucking down lately