Saturday, March 22, 2008

9 in the afternoon

I had a point when I logged into blogged. But it's gone.

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Monday, March 17, 2008

I'm sick inside without a sense of feeling

Ok so the aftermath of yesterday is less than pleasant. Lack of sleep kinda bites, but what is worse is what I did to my ankle after a far from graceful descent from jd's stairs.

After the most recent comment conversation on bens blog, I decided to make a forum aptly named 'geekspeak'. Hopefully I'll get a few people from uni on it and we can use it to have random weird conversations pondering the mysteries of time and space.

I'm gonna go hop to the showed now.

Saturday, March 15, 2008

Makes me wonder

This year, two of the drunkest days of the year coincide. I'm excited. Tomorrow is not only St. paddys day but it is also mexican monday at Monash. Should be nuts :D

On that note I did start my diet since my last post and I've been eating WAY less junk food. Though I wish I could just instantly lose weight :(. I can see how people don't lose weight once they are fat cos it simply takes WAY too long to try to get it off.

Sunday, March 9, 2008

Remind us all of what we could have been...

The other day I did the most creative thing I've ever done. So it's not really that creative, but then again neither am I.


Ok so as Jason pointed out already, I said 'bottom-right' where I mean 'bottom-left', and I know there are heaps of little dodgy things, but I think it'd be good if I ever finish it.

Youth seems so long ago. Sean and I were looking at old photos from year 11 or 12 and holy crap we look young. And we were. We thought we knew everything then, now we look back and realise we knew nothing.

I'm back on a diet. For those who I haven't complained to, I hit 101kg sometime last week and according to BMI I'm borderline obese. Here's a little poll; who thinks BMI is a poor measurement of healthy weight?

Personally I know I could lose 10kg and I think I'd be fairly happy. However to be healthy according "to the biggest loser" healthy weight thingo based on BMI, If I lose anything from 15-35kg I'd be healthy. If I lost 35kg I'd need to be in a hospital bed I reckon. I mean that's fucked!

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

I can't listen, to all your reasons

Since I started uni, it never has felt like I'm really learning anything. But then every now and again I realise that I actually have learnt alot. I have til mid-may to have my project finished which I am nowhere near getting done. But I am finding this paper much easier to read through now. When I first picked it up it took me weeks to turn a page just because I couldnt understand a thing on the page. Now at least I can follow bits and pieces of most pages.

Whenever anybody asks me what I'm doing at uni, the next question is something along the lines of "where does that get you when your finished?" And I never really know how to answer them.
(How close to legitimate is the Capital 'A' in 'And' there?)

I am technically done in june, I need to decide if I'm doing a PhD (if they let me) or if I'm taking time off to travel. Or I could just finish? I'm sure I could get some kind of job somewhere being some form of number cruncher. I'm still enjoying being young too much to get a real job I think. Although I'm not sure how much of that I've got left. I already feel so old sometimes.

Monday, March 3, 2008


I'm buying a skateboard I think.

Skateboards are fun.

Back at uni now.

Finally finished all my summer school crap.

Ok so maybe a list isn't the most always the most appropriate method of communication. Imagine talking to people in "the real world" with a pause between each sentence fragment. Sentence fragment is also a sentence fragment. In reality I probably shouldnt have taken two subjects for credit at the summer school cos it was really too much but who cares. It's done now. I have approximately 2-3 weeks to come up with a talk on the project I've apparently done over the past 8-9 months. Thats gonna be embarrassing when they realise I haven't done that.

Oops distracted. Maybe I'll make a real post later this week.