Tuesday, April 29, 2008

A quote

Below is a quote from Michael Spivak's comprehensive introduction to differential geometry. An infamous text amongst geometers.

"In this addendum we will derive the formula for the second variation of volume, and give some applications. The calculation itself is a real bitch"

This is a calculation I've been trying to figure out for a good while now. How comforting.

Monday, April 14, 2008

Be anyone I wanna be

Thanks everyone for the input. It has been decided as follows.

As long as I can still do a PhD after taking some time off, I'm going to loiter until Ben finishes his honours and then we will travel the world! If anybody else is interested in such a plan let me know... Anybody want to buy my car?

Sunday, April 6, 2008

Closer to where I started

Fuck I'm tired.

My talk is done. Coulda been worse really so thats good news, and since it's not assessed all that really matters is that it's done. I have approximately 6 weeks to have a 50-60 page project typed up so thats probably bad news.

I spent the majority of the weekend marking assignments, which both sucks and blows simultaneously. Still have one left which I really can't be bothered doing right now. It'll be done tomorrow night. I also have assignments of my own to do. One which I should have done for tomorrow morning which really isn't looking very optomistic now and the other for thursday.

I'm coming up to a very important crossroads in my life. Hmm that'd a good cd. :P

After the 6 weeks or so have passed and my project is out of my hands, I should have two exams then nothing. I currently have no plan for what happens next.

Perhaps I shall make this a choose your own adventure for anybody who's actually reading my blogs :). Everybody select an option. (This includes people who read it occasionally and never usually comment. I.e. Kirsten :P)

And no saying it depends on what I want to do, because that's cheating. It's a choose your own adventure now.

Options are:

A. Do a PhD here.
B. Do a PhD elsewhere.
C. Buy a round the world plane ticket and adventure for 6 months to a year.
D. Buy a one way ticket elsewhere and see what happens next.
E. Look for a job for which I only need what I've already studied.
F. Look for a job which will support me in further education while working.