Saturday, August 2, 2008

And now for something completely different

If anybody is interested in cheap books, check out this site. It's fairly good from what I can tell and somebody at uni has ordered stuff from it already and says its good. Found a book for $9 plus $9 postage which retails for just over $100 here. Basically I'm ordering 3 books which combined would retail here for $400+ for $85 including postage from 3 seperate countries. Huzzah for international editions.

Good old Sunday at uni... Left the assignments I gotta mark in my office so I'm going in with Ben (as he has to do open day stuff) to spend the day in a (probably empty) maths building.

In retrospect; $1 vodka hour was probably not the greatest idea ever.

It's about time I posed some problems for the bored/keen to puzzle over.

#1. Using only a compass and a straight edge, how would you exactly (without fussing over the definition of exact) half an angle?

#2. Prove that the square root of 2 cannot be expressed as a rational number (fraction).

#3. Provide a one-to-one corrospondance (bijection) between every point in a unit line (end points excluded) and every point in a unit square (edges excluded). That is; for each number between 0 and 1, assign a point in a sqaure of side length 1. For Ben and Rick, provide a bijective map from (0,1) to (0,1)x(0,1).

Now for something to argue about...

Smokes and booze should be made illeagal, or at least regulated better. Perhaps raise the legal drinking/smoking age, even only allow alcohol to be served with meals. Remove spirits completely.

So many people would think that I'd be the last person to support this, in reality I beleive it would be a good idea to try to sober up society.


tony said...

just make sure your books arnt in
hungarian or some such hahaha

maths bah...
soldiers math 2 cans per soldier x by 27 sodliers = 15 slabs.

if you proposed that in parliament your government would be dissolved inside a week, that is near enough on the verge of proabition and we all know how that ended up...

the fact is underagers are not consuming alcohol they are getting smokes and alcohol, any one caught selling to underagers should have there buisiness shut down for a week. and or lose there license to sell cigerettes and alcohol.

Nat said...

welllll, i totally agree that cigarettes should be made illegal. they are in no way good for anyone, at least alcohol can be beneficial in small amounts. i think eventually (in 100yrs) smoking will become one of those things that is really frowned upon by society and barely anyone will do it, well that's what i like to think.
i think people should take the RSA seriously. if you are too drunk to be served then why the fuck are you still being fed booze???

still alcohol and cigarettes make the government money so i don't they'll be banning them any time soon.

Ben said...

1. Aha, neat, I figured that out. I'd need more words than I can be bothered typing to explain it tho.

2. I remember doing this, proof by contradiction is a good way I think. Is it from the penrose book? I can't quite remember how to do it just now tho.

3. meh

Jason said...

Cigarettes should but will not — largely for political reasons, but also more validly because there is some legitimacy to the suggestion that it may drive tobacco trade "underground" — be banned.

Alcohol however should probably not be banned outright but rather be more properly regulated; the legal drinking age should be more stringently enforced at locations of purchase, proper conditions (including refusal of service for drunk patrons) should be enforced in public venues, and the associated charges associated with alcohol-related law infringements (DUI, particular assaults whilst intoxicated, etc.) should be much more severe.

Steve said...

Well it seems most people agree really. Smokes should be banned. Alcohol should be better regulated.

As for smokes becoming an underground trade.. Everybody would be forced to cut down heaps anyways because they can't smoke anywhere public anymore. Means when the non-smokers walk through doorsways there isnt the lingering smell of smoke hanging around.

The leagal drinking age should be bumped up to 21. I'm not saying people younger won't be drinking, but we'll have as many 18-21 year olds drinking then as we have 16-17 year olds drinking now. Also it means when people are at the very important end-of-school time they arent getting drunk but instead thinking of what they will do with their life. Also I agree violence is a big issue. Perhaps people should have a seperate ID for drinking and if you get caught doing stupid shit it gets taken off you for a period of time. Maybe some other completely new ideas like that, since clearly our current laws aren't taken seriously enough.

Rick said...

OK, #1.

(I'm assuming the angle is on a piece of paper drawn in a 'V')

1. Place the compass point on the vertex and mark the circle intersection on both lines.

2. In turn, place the compass on both of these intersections and mark the intersection of the radii, one will be at the original vertex, I'm interested in the other.
3. With the 'straight edge' connect the two intersections.
This line bisects the angle.

#2 I remember ages ago, but don't have the time now.

#3. I'll think about it on the train.

Ben said...

Lol, it was kind of funny, in american the legal drinking age is 21 but many of the employees of the ski resorts came from countries where it was 18 (and were not yet 21). They were so cut that they couldn't drink :p. Well, legally. They got around it easily enough.