Sunday, April 6, 2008

Closer to where I started

Fuck I'm tired.

My talk is done. Coulda been worse really so thats good news, and since it's not assessed all that really matters is that it's done. I have approximately 6 weeks to have a 50-60 page project typed up so thats probably bad news.

I spent the majority of the weekend marking assignments, which both sucks and blows simultaneously. Still have one left which I really can't be bothered doing right now. It'll be done tomorrow night. I also have assignments of my own to do. One which I should have done for tomorrow morning which really isn't looking very optomistic now and the other for thursday.

I'm coming up to a very important crossroads in my life. Hmm that'd a good cd. :P

After the 6 weeks or so have passed and my project is out of my hands, I should have two exams then nothing. I currently have no plan for what happens next.

Perhaps I shall make this a choose your own adventure for anybody who's actually reading my blogs :). Everybody select an option. (This includes people who read it occasionally and never usually comment. I.e. Kirsten :P)

And no saying it depends on what I want to do, because that's cheating. It's a choose your own adventure now.

Options are:

A. Do a PhD here.
B. Do a PhD elsewhere.
C. Buy a round the world plane ticket and adventure for 6 months to a year.
D. Buy a one way ticket elsewhere and see what happens next.
E. Look for a job for which I only need what I've already studied.
F. Look for a job which will support me in further education while working.


Steve said...

I should also add that if I don't start a PhD straight away it's very hard to get into one later. So you can't chose a travel option and say then a PhD option after.

Rick said...

Well, both A and B would support your ability to support your chilled uni lifestyle, but I like F. I'm not sure if it says what I think it means, but basically, find a job that is in your area of study, but which will help develop you further.

With regards to overseas travel, you might consider finding a job overseas, then buying your one-way ticket, and use it as a basis to travel, and see what happens - so basically D, but with some work.

Nat said...

Do a PhD, that would be awesome lol. Hmmm I'm not sure I could see you buying a one way ticket somewhere and see where you end up.

I still like the sound of a PhD, spose it depends on whether you want to spend even more time at school.

F is also cool in terms of it gives you the opportunity to grow

Steve said...

Thanks guys,

Although Neither of you gave me a defininitive answer :(

What do both of you choose.

You both gave me four options :S. Pick one so I can tally up votes at the end :)

Jason said...

It can't be a choose your own adventure if we're choosing your adventure. :-P


Steve said...

But it's like one of those old school books. Where the book is my blog. The story is my life.

:)... one vote for F. no other votes tallied. F is winning

The page number is undefined

Kirsten said...

Well I'm quite surprised to find my name mentioned on here. Lol. So I will comment, since I was reading. I like the options B and F.

I realise that a PhD may be difficult to ind later, but I think that a change of pace by way of a new place would provide extra motivation, new opportunities, and a chance to meet a whole new bunch of like minded people.

I also like F because, personally, I think it is important to constantly be learning to keep your mind fresh and stay interested. You can also use what you already know, and build on it at the same time. It will provide something for you to base further research on in the future, and satisfy your need for travel simultaneously.

The way I see it, is you have plenty of time to travel, and it is something you can do throughout your whole life, so a 6 month ticket can be bought at any time, and perhaps when you have a little extra cash floating around (which you could earn by undertaking option F.

Well, that was a lot longer than I imagined it would be!

Sean said...

Steve, you wont listen to our opinions anyway, and nor should you.

Its your life, its your decision, you need to settle down, sit down and make the decision on your own, even the wrong decision can be better than no decision at all.

Travel overseas by all means, itd be a good experience, you still have time to go after your phd, your experience should be the same if you left this week or in 4-5 years. (rough est, since i dont know how long phd goes for)

If you get really stuck, cant you see someone at uni who might be able to shed some light?

BTW, natalie, im VERY dissapointed you didnt comment on my blog first...

My mighty heart is breaking, if you need me ill be in the humvee...

Nat said...

i didn't know i could comment sean so i'm sorry, i'll comment on your blog now lol

i only hinted at 2 options, F or PhD, so i think that could still be tallied.

Get a job, you're such a bum :P

Shazzie said...

Ok, Steve Michael...
This is my recommendation and it's only a guide line... THIS HAS TO BE YOUR DECISION:
But seeing as you are making me choose an option here goes:
A. Do a PhD here.
This is a great idea, you have worked so hard already, you may as well see it through to the end.
B. Do a PhD elsewhere.
No point, stay where you are.
C. Buy a round the world plane ticket and adventure for 6 months to a year.
Again, a great idea, but the world will still be there AFTER you finish your studies.
D. Buy a one way ticket elsewhere and see what happens next.
Again, sure why not, but AFTER your PhD.
E. Look for a job for which I only need what I've already studied.
This is probably a good idea, even if only to see what opportunities are out there.
F. Look for a job which will support me in further education while working.
This is a great idea, and I think you should go with this option. So my advice, "F" and "A" are the way to go. Your PhD is important, and as you said, it's difficult to get into it if you take a break before hand, so don't risk it. You do however, need to find employment, it won't be easy juggling both uni and work, but I have faith in you, you can do it!!!

Ben said...

Well, I dunno either, I face the same problem 6 months later so meh. I would have disagree with shaz as far as doing a PhD overseas goes, if you can find somewhere good to go it could be awesome, and also good for your career in general. Specially if it's somewhere well known for maths or whatever you want to do a phd in.
I'd also have to disagree with sean about travel a little bit, putting it off isn't necessarily going to work. The longer you leave it the more commitments you build up and you get caught up in things until one day you realise that you've never done your awesome trip you planned and never will. Sure you might do other travelling later, but you don't get many chances to do it on an epic scale. It'd probably also be cooler while we're young and stupid.

Shazzie said...

Benjamin, must you always disagree with me? Here's a thought, maybe Sean and I are right and YOU are in fact the wrong one :P
Good Luck with your decision Steve Michael! :D

Jason said...

The fact that you still want to go on such a trip and Benjamin has to a small extent already acheived that particular goal would tend to suggest that he is in fact likely to be correct.

Steve said...

I'm actually quite impressed at the number of responses. It's also hard to quantify the results because most of you gave qualitative responses.

In response to everybody:

Yes of course it has to be my decision in the end. Nobody expects me to say ok they voted I do this, I'm gonna do it. But I do like to ask for advice on things, and I found this to be a good way to do it.

Seems the most popular options are PhD or employment. I must disagree with Sean and Shaz on the topic of travel though.

Everybody old always says they with they travelled more. Because as soon as they got a steady job or were looking to settle down then thats it. Even if in 3 and a half years I've done my PhD I'll be 25. And the longer between finishing my PhD and finding an academic job the harder it will be.

I think the wisest thing suggested was to talk to somebody at uni who knows better on the situation.

Sean said...

Sean the wise!! :P

Those people are there to help you, because you arent the first person to have this problem. Even if you dont actively take up their suggestions, they can show you other ways.

I disagree with the travel thing too, i mean you listen to ben go on about the states and he had a ball, i listenend to chris last night rant about thailand and he had a ball.

My idea was, who will you go with? If you go with yourself youll prolly get raped and killed, and i cant see you getting pissed and having a ball by yourself every night. Sure you might meet some folks but you know.

If you go with mel, you proly wont get pissed and stumble around as much, because youll have to be a little bit decent to look after her and cause its just what you do. And the most important bit, what if you get some foreign interest with your sexy accent. After all, isnt that what going overseas as a young age is all about? Getting pissed and trying to shag someone from every country. (unless youre ben)

Thats my opinion, maybe you have other ideas for what you want to do when you go away, but you dont much seem like the scenery type to me.

You might want to try your phd in another country, that way you get 2 for 1. But youll be gone for a long time.

Ben said...

Lol, hey I think that's a good reason to travel too :p. But yeah I'd agree that travelling with people would be more fun. America was cool, but I reckon it would have been cooler if I'd gone with somebody. I didn't go anywhere particularly dangerous either. Lake tahoe is pretty tame. Lots of drugs and alcohol, but everyone is far too chilled out to cause violence.

Shazzie said...

Lets all just go to Europe and have our own Eurotrip... minus the making out with Siblings, but making sure we continue to have "Scotty doesn't know" as our theme song :P (Sorry Scotty) LOL!!!