Monday, February 25, 2008

I'm goin' home to the place where I belong

I think you got me all wrong, I don't regret this life I chose for me...

Time for another obligatory "I'm getting old" post. I'm 22 in less than two months. Many of you are already 22. Are you really happy with where you are? With where you're going? Who you are?

Who are you?

Another summer passed me by and I'm still overweight and unfit. Another semester went by and I'm back behind with my uni work.

Going slightly away from this topic now. The so called 'butterfly effect' (in chaos theory, not the movie or band) is pretty amazing. Not just in the sense that some tiny event in brisbane could ultimately affect our lives significantly, but also in thinking of all the events that lead us to where we are now. Just to think of how you met everybody you know right now is enough. Then think of the impact each of those people had on your life. I couldn't imagine where and what I'd be doing right now if anything had happened differently. If I hadn't been freinds with Robert I would have never met any of you guys who are my freinds now. With maybe a few exceptions from people I met otherwise, but even then I couldnt be sure. If I hadn't been freinds with Ben and Jason (which was a result of Robert) I couldn't gauruntee I would have pulled my head in at school and ended up at uni. Because it was just being around bright people that got me to actually try. I could be working full time in a trade, not knowing any of you that I know now.

I remember the night I saw the aftermath of a car crash which was fucked up enough to see, though if I had left 30 seconds to a minute or so earlier then I would have been waiting at the traffic lights exactly in the path the car rolled through. The car would have hit the drivers side of my car and it's quite likely I wouldnt be here today.

The scariest thing about it all though is that I wouldnt be the same person I am today if any single event hadn't happened the way it did.

Ok so this is another bit of a tangent, but what if you consciously thought about every little seemingly unimportant thing and what repercussions(probably spelt wrong) that would have later. Would you do what you would want to do at the time? Or would you do what seems to open more doors later in life?

Would you shag an ugly chick to meet her freinds? :P

But these places and these faces are getting old...
So I'm goin' home.


Amy said...

Nice post!

It got me thinking!

Ben said...

I think about that a lot. Like this whole snowboarding thing, it was such a random little thing that got me on the path to living in america for 3 months, and I kind of feel like its going to affect my future or at least who I am significantly.

Scott said...

This is why we make short and long term goals, they keep us on the path we want to go across. If we have no goals we would drift through life making numorous wrong decisions doing things you dont want to do with people you dont want to be around.