Well im officially fucked, exhausted.
I just felt like going for a run. So I did. Man im unfit.
Exams are over. Can't wait for my results. Here is a brief summary of how I went this semester.
Started off enrolled in 5 subjects and "the essay".
With two weeks to go I dropped one subject because I was gonna do shit either way.
I spent 21 hours the day/night before the essay was due typing up all 17 pages of it.
One subject was 90% coursework based, which I didn't know til the end when i realised there was no formal exam. So while I got 80/90 on the coursework most people got between 87 and 90 on that so I came out good, but relatively bad. Also the informal exam which was him asking us questions in his office on an individual basis to see how we coped coulda went better.
Two subjects were 3rd year subjects which should have been really easy. One I barely attended and did find it stupidly easy. The other I was sitting on something like 48/50 before the exam which was weighted 50 percent. But since I had to sit the exam seperately from everyone else and they all had the chance to find out something that was required for the exam I was severly handicapped and missed an entire question out of 5 or 6 questions.
Finally, my other subjects mark comes from a take-home exam which was weighted as 100% of the subject. It was insane. Didn't get anywhere near as much as I'd hoped done but the other two people in the class felt the same so that could go any way.
Now I await results and soon I'll go in and figure out what im gonna do for this thesis.
Other matters of business.
I've been trying hard to get Mel to fit into "the group", (perhaps "the set" might be a more adequade description, only ben and those bored enough to wiki will entirely get this one :) )
So yes trying to get Mel to fit in, but it's proving quite difficult, and really making me realise how disjoint the group has become. Perhaps the group is more like a union of groups. Each group is associative amongst it's elements, but two elements from different groups are not neccessarily associative. Sorry for the odd mathematical alalogue, just the word group has different meaning to me these days.
Anyways, what I mean is not really everyone gets along these days and it can be awkward as. Not only that but it feels like it's becoming close to that point where everyone starts being an adult. How weird. I mean, "the boys" have been in that place for a while now being somewhat adult/responsible, with J to be joining them in what I beleive to be like a week. (confirmation?) Lennice and Daz have been living together for ages but now finally have their own place and their own furniture and these days we go out for dinner instead of getting drunk. Amy seems to have found what looks (at least externally) fairly stable, like a propper adult relationship. I'm pretty sure most of you are starting to feel like your doing more adult things. I don't think it'll be long before everyone is looking for their own place and friday/saturday nights will consist of dinner and drinks, and maybe a card game or something.
I hope I didn't offend anyone leaving people out, just mentioned a few names as examples, I think everybody is growing up though. I personally can't wait to get out of home these days. But a current lack of employment makes that a little difficult. I just hope to christ I get this PhD money next july!
Lol, yeah having to be responsible sucks, although life can quickly go to shit if one is not responsible. See my plan is to responsibly get myself to america, then get irresponsibly hammered as much as possible, much to the display of my 18 year old argentinian housemates (well, who will most likely be my housemates, 4 of which will be female >:) ) Anyway... I forgot what I was talking about. Something about responsibility. And great power. No wait, that was spiderman...
and er, I meant 'dismay' of my housemates, and that was coz you have to be 21 to drink in the U.S. as you know. They can drink at 18 in Argentina. I've already been asked to buy them booze :p.
LOL... sounds like an awesome sexytime... And and lol at the spiderman thing
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