Sunday, June 29, 2008

To the place where I belong

Hello world.

What can I do with myself? Anybody wanna give me a short term job? Just a couple of months really.

So that probably didn't work at all. How about does anybody want to buy my car?

That either hey?

Give me free money?

Yeh ok I'm really pushing it now.

So who wants to play a sport? I really wanna play some kind of sport again. Preferably basketball again, would I be able to convince anybody to play? If not would anybody play any sport?

Friday, June 27, 2008

The scientist

I wonder when I'll find out my results. I'm actually really scared about it. Also the longer I sit around doing nothing the less I can be bothered going back to learning. I want to spend the next semester just learning stuff so I am in a good position to start my PhD.

Though I so very much want to get my own place, which is kinda hard when your an unemployed bogan. I don't like the fact that I'm still at home.

Also, we should have themed karaoke more often. Whats the next one we should suggest? Should convince them to advertise say the first tuesday of each month is themed, might get more people in.

What can we have for the next theme?
Rock, Brit-pop, Aussie, Gangsta :P

I reckon we do an Aussie karaoke night... Break out the inxs, acca and chisel. If anybody dresses as Peter Garrett I will salute them!

Who's in?

Camping in tasmania... Early August... Who's in?

Thursday, June 26, 2008

Comin' through in stereo

It's been a long while since I've sat here on a friday lunchtime and posted about the epic drunkness from the night before. Unfortunately, I can't do it in full detail today because many of the details are missing from my recolection. The only thing I really remember which is of interest is the following.

Random english dude thats freinds with dave starts talking to random chicks and somehow I end up in the conversation. I ended up kissing one of them. Then in my drunkest efforts to start some form of conversation I ask, so what do you do? At which point she tells me she goes to Padua. (The high school)

Woops. How awkward.

Other than that, only god knows what I ended up doing.

Sunday, June 22, 2008

I don't need an alibi

Paintballing was awesome and overall the weekend was amazing. Though I think many of us pushed our bodies and minds further than we usually do in a weekend. Was worth it though.

Quinten is going away :( I think I speak on behalf of everyone in saying we'll fuckin' miss you man!

Today I've spent all the day (after waking up at lunchtime) watching season 1 of "Dexter". I recommend everyone watches it, it's a pretty cool idea for a show, or a book which was turned into a tv series. I gotta get a copy of the book.

Anyway the main character is a sociopath (man that doesn't look right but I can't think of a better way to spell it), so basically the show is about how he is trying to fit in and be normal when he is far from it. It really got me thinking again about how we really differ from animals. But then most animals do have some kind of (loosely speaking) moral code, many animals have 'morals' which overlap our own. What drives this instinct? What does it mean to not have it at all? Some serious psychos really are less "humane" than most things which are indeed inhuman.

Ok I got completely distracted from this so my train of thought is lost. I'll come back to this one day though.

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

I've said enough and so have you

Prosthetic limbs for all!! {y}

I think it's about time for a completely new blog. A new post too for that matter.
On that note; does anybody know/recall why my blog is called 'violet haze'? There's a few subtle things. Also does anybody ever look into certain things I say in posts (mostly my titles)? Often there are so many thoughts hidden in my blogs which go unnoticed. Of course there is also just random stuff which has no meaning thrown in too. This post still doesn't have any meaningful title, but who knows what it'll be by the time I finish.

The world of Steve as it stands today.

Today was a good day. The only thing I had to do which I didn't want to do was finish mowing the lawns cos I left part of it the other day in the hopes my mum would finish it. That didn't work. I think most people know by now, but for those who don't; I'm single now. My last exam was on monday so technically I am nothing more than an unemployed bum. Results don't come out for like a month I think; so no idea what's going on until then.
I'm on a diet again. Well a not so strict one though. Just from now on my normal dinner will be diet instead of trying to count every meal. I've done 5 sets of 10 pushups today too. Going to get fit. I need to get fit. I've finally got some more self esteem.

Drunk update:
I swear somebody put more alcohol in my beer! Myself and Ben got a little too wasted on Monday night. It was so very very cold and we had to walk back to the boys place to crash and neither of us had jumpers, or even sleeves. Ben also threw up on a table at the Robin Hood, and I may have called the bass player from The Screaming Jets old :P

Saturday, June 7, 2008

I killed a man in a far away land.

My enemy, I'm told.

Sorry folks; I don't think I have anything provocative this time. We'll see where it goes though.

The first matter I'd like to discuss is what the fuck did I drink last night? I haven't actually been proper hungover is a long time and I think I nearly barfed. Hopefully I didn't destroy the brain cells containing all my exam preperation. That would be sucky as all sucksville.

So yeah, exam preperation. I know several times I've claimed that each has been the first time I've actually studied. I beleive it's because my idea of what studying is, has been changing. Wow, "is has" seems a bit weird. Anyway I'm determined to get at least 90 in both of my subjects. It currently is possible to get 100% on both I think, thats a bit optomistic though. But I'd like to go into these exams optomistic.

I think I've complained to most people about it but just for perspective, I should mention that I'm aiming for a Australian Postgraduate Award (APA) to do my PhD which is worth 60-70k approximately in total over 3-3.5 years. I'd really, really fucking like one of these scholarships.

(Also please don't comment saying you'll be fine your smart or something to that effect, because I'm in the bottom half of the smartness scale in my office)

Though I have decided that I want to spend my life doing maths.

On that note, I will leave you with some problems. :)

1. Draw 7 disjoint triangles with 6 straight lines. (bonus points if anybody uploads an image)

2. One can easily associate every point between 0 and 1 with every point between 0 and 10, simply by taking some number say 0.463728265 which is between 0 and 1 and then multiplying by 10 to get 4.63728265 which is between 0 and 10, and go backwards by dividing by 10. The fun with infinite things.

The question is; can you associate every point between 0 and 1 (excluding 0 and 1) with the same set of points but with the extra point 1 included? So essentially you have to jam an extra point in somehow. It took me a long time to figure it out but you don't actually need any complicated maths to do it you just need to think for ages.

3. Two trains start 100km appart on the same train line travelling at 50km/h towards each other. A (super)fly starts on the front of one train and flys ahead of the train at a speed of 75km/h until it reaches the other train then turns around and flys back. The fly continues this until it is inevitably crushed in the middle. What total distance does the fly traverse?

Ok that'll do.

Those questions are all questions people have posed to me.

#3 is the easiest, then #1 isn't too bad but #2 is a bitch. Give them a shot if your bored.