Wednesday, January 30, 2008

The cyclops fell into a drunken stupor

The title to this post is the first line I read when I opened a book I found that looked interesting. Without the use of a search engine, I'm sure nobody could figure out which book this came from.

"The nothing that is: A natural history of zero"

Not sure how it relates, though if the book is interesting enough to get to that point I'm sure it'll make sense eventually. What does a cyclops have to do with the number zero?

Thursday, January 17, 2008


I haven't posted much lately and it seems about time I did. I'm back at uni atm, at summer school. Kinda weird cos there are more math geeks ive ever seen in my life in the one building for 4 weeks.

It's officially been 3 months with mel now. Feels longer. Things are great.

I really need to start writing a thesis but I don't have a clue what I'm meant to be doing. Sigh. I also need to start thinking on where I'd like to see myself working in the future. Might see what jobs are available in maths.
Nothing good.
El Sigh.

Havent adjusted to waking up early again either... hence blogging at 12.30am