Why is getting drunk so much fun? I really think I need to cut back on it. From now on I'm limited to drinking twice a week max... that sounds pretty bad actually. Twice a week is a goal to aim for. Hmmm, perhaps I should aim for once a week, either Friday or Saturday too. No more epic Tuesdays or Thursdays.
On that note: Singstar at my place this weekend? Either friday or saturday, what suits folks best?
Orlando, Florida, Relocation Guide.
6 years ago
The next time you post an im not goig to drink so much blog, im going to cut one of your fingers, off, then, when im out of fingers, ill cut your toes off, then when youre out of fingers and toes... well, you know whats next.
Your im not going to drink posts are about as regular as taking a shit.
lol sean, but indeed, very much correct. every day is epic for you steve
No but when I have a plan I usually stick to it for as long as the plan was intended. I have no intentions of drinking tonight at the pub, nor tomorrow at the pub (possibly) but I will on saturday and I won't next tues. It's figured :P
Singstar on friday night :)
Nope, it's been decided Saturday :P besides i'm sure you won't feel like drinking tonight now :P
I picked Friday coz i would drink. Afterall it would keep in theme to "Epic Fridays". No drinking on Saturday night, work Sunday.
I'll be at the pub on saturday night
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